Mar 14, 2008


The effects of running this blog were just too much, and really, there's been no feedback anyway. We've agreed to allow Mad Hatter over at There Goes the Neighborhood to host this from here on out...he's one of the members who helped this come to fruition anyway. So while we're saying goodbye, we're still around, and we will post, we're just not sure about the specifics yet.

Mar 13, 2008


Mar 12, 2008


Mar 11, 2008

What Do You Think

Mar 10, 2008

Way Back,

When I started this, back last fall, i thought that it'd be incredibly popular. But it turns out that it's not, not even close. Now this is just my opinion, and there's more than just me that writes on this blog, but there has been a lack of participation, and worse a lack of an audience. I may just shut it all down or maybe I need to reconfigure it so it picks up more hits... or just tie it in with somewhere else.

If you like the site and you want to see more, simply tell your friends, significant other, cousin or what have you visit the website. Otherwise it's only got maybe two weeks, before I change it up.

Mar 9, 2008

Hey, Listen Up...

Mar 8, 2008

Mar 7, 2008


Mar 6, 2008

My Favorite

Mar 5, 2008


Mar 4, 2008

Mar 3, 2008

Your Weekend?

Mar 2, 2008

Mar 1, 2008

Come On